Monday, 8 October 2012
I'm Back!
Hello there everyone, so after a quite long break from blogging I have decided to come back! I will be posting at LEAST three times a week now! I am sorry I haven't posted in so long, I have been extremley busy with school and work! :( but now I have decided to make a little time for this blog so it can become something even more useful to people! I plan to start doing WAY more reviews because I feel like that is one thing I research the most! Hopefully you enjoy!
Friday, 24 August 2012
Eyebrow Lightening: Before&After Pictures!
Hello everyone, long time no talk! I am back and once again here to stay. So here's a little back history on my hair, because it is why I decided to lighten my eyebrows. Up until last summer my hair was virgin hair, I had never dyed it other than once for Halloween. It was a ashy dark dirty blonde that I hated, and along with that I had extremely naturally dark eyebrows (like chestnut brown coloured eyebrows). I eventually started dying my hair very dark for about a year, and now for grade 12 I've decided to go blonde with highlights. My eyebrows though are still very dark so for it to blend better with the blonde (I am getting highlights so there will still be some brown) I wanted to lighten my eyebrows about 3 shades.
*after: please ignore un-maintained state of my brows, I am currently trying to grow them out.
What ways you can lighten eyebrows:
Chamomile Tea & Lemon Juice
Lemon Juice
Bleach: I would never use this method UNLESS I was getting it done by an experienced professional, too much can go wrong (ex. getting in your eyes, eyebrows falling out).
Chamomile Tea & Lemon Juice: This natural remedy works, although I have not tried it after researching I noticed that it can be very time consuming and need to be used several times to achieve a noticeable difference.
Lemon Juice: Same as above in the sense it takes quite awhile to achieve a noticeable difference. It also has to be heat activated.
Sun-In: This product is pretty much a small concentrate of bleach in a bottle, it works but has many dangerous factors such as getting in eyes and eyebrows turning orange.
5 volume developer (don't know if this is really necessary but it adds thickness to the sun-in so it's easier to apply)
I put 1ml of the developer and Sun-In into the container then mixed it together. With a Q-tip I gently smeared it on my eyebrows then let it sit for an hour. I have done it three times now with the amount of time I left it on varying from 20 minutes to an hour. Of course the longer you leave it on the better the effect. Then I wiped it off with a kleenex then wiped them down and put a little conditioner on them, just so they don't get too dried out. So far I have gotten superior results, but I noticed that the ends are going so light you can't see them as well so now I am only applying to the chunkiest part of my brow.
Anyways, always do what works best for you and just because this worked for me there is a chance it will not work for you.
*before: this is in 100% natural light, cropped from another random photo hence why it`s not as up close! sorry about that! I am fairly pale here too, due to it being taken in June before the sun came.
*after: please ignore un-maintained state of my brows, I am currently trying to grow them out.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Motivational Monday 30-07-12
So due to this being the first motivational monday I figured I would give you guys a little taste of everything I could possibly do on upcoming mondays! I hope you guys enjoy these posts and I would love to hear all of your feedback and opionions in the comments or in emails!
Latley I have been more onto the tumblr scene and looking at that website made me realize how truly unhappy so many teens were about their looks and it made me super sad. I honestly think that if there were no social media sites or even internet then there would be alot less people unhappy about their looks. One statement that always bugs me is "society makes us feel this way" or "we have to look a certain way for society", what people fail to realize is that WE ARE SOCIETY. Every single one of us is apart of society. We need to take respoinsiblity for how we feel and learn to make changes so that we can gain self esteem! One of the biggest changes that I am in the process of making is to not compare myself to others. If you don't compare yourself to others then all you can do is make self improvements not improvements to be more like someone else. Everyone is beautiful in there own ways, size 2 is just as beautiful as size 11! Black hair is just as beautiful as blonde hair. Acne is just as beautiful as a face with no acne. We are our toughest critics and as soon as you let go of the idea of "perfection" you can start to see your true inner beauty. I know it sounds cheesy and you are all probably thinking, well it's easy to say all that but harder to do it. I totally understand that and of course I am just a regular teenager who is just as self concious as every other teenager. If I spread this though it makes me believe and support my theories even more. So the main message behind today's motivational Monday is that everyone is beautiful and its our differences that make us who we are. Hope you all enjoyed!
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Thanks Viewers!
This may not be exciting to some but I have finally reached 400 (four hundred) views on my blog and 5 lovely followers!! :) WOOHOO thanks for the support everyone!!
Review: Covergirl And Olay Simply Ageless Foundation
So I got this product around 7 months ago and have tried using it several times, the product is not technically bad but I found many flaws with the product when it came to my own personal experience. The idea of the product is awesome and although I don't have ageing skin I figured I would give it a try! I bought two different shades #205 ivory and #215 natural ivory. It comes in 12 shades and has a cream consistency.
Product Name: Covergirl & Olay Simply Ageless Foundation
Price: $15.99-$20 CAD
Initial Impression: very creamy, easy to blend initially, interesting pattern, handy packaging
Pro's: good quality packaging, medium/heavy coverage, light scent
Con's: way too dark, oxidises, goes into lines, not for oily skin, hard to blend
Overall Impression: Originally when I got this product I got it in the darker shade #215 natural ivory and it was ridiculously dark so the next day I went ahead and got the lightest shade they have and it was once again too dark. I didn't return them though because I thought I could possibly find a new use for them. The main problem I had with this product is that is went on my skin maybe a shade or two too dark which I could blend out and deal with but then after it dried and was worn for a little while it oxidized on my skin and turned an orange colour which made me look like a cheezy! It was awful, and it was a lot of work to blend out! When you put it on your finger it was so creamy and beautiful but the minute you put it on your face it turned into the devil foundation! It has medium to heavy coverage but had a very heavy look about it which I didn't like because on those I just want to wear a little makeup days it just looked unnatural. Overall I wouldn't suggest this for any young and oily faces because it just doesn't work! Also if you are fair skinned I don't suggest getting it either and if you are darker skinned go for a lighter shade maybe one to three shades lighter! I decided to wait and use this now in the summer being darker, overall it isn't as bad but I only use it as a under eye concealer although it goes into lines, I don't have a ton of lines under my eyes so it personally works for me, as well as a eye shadow primer on my lid as it has a fairly good staying power.
Rating (out of 10): 4
Saturday, 28 July 2012
School Hauls, Reviews & Tips?
Hey everyone so for where I live in Canada we still have a little over a month left until school is back on and I was just wondering if you guys would be interested in me doing a small school series? It could include but is not limited to, hauls, reviews, locker decorating, tips and just overall organization! No one ever really comments BUT if you do read this please comment what you think because I would love some feedback! I have two posts in draft mode right now, sorry for the lack of posts the past couple of days like I said I have been working on some I just have no completed them yet so I thought I would ask this question then get onto the regular posts!
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
What's Up Wednesday?! 25-07-12
Hola! So for today's post its a what's up Wednesday! Which is a personal life post of course. So today I had an amazing day, my two bestfriends (we have a core four bestfriendship, but it was only three of us today) and I went on an adventure to the lake which included taking the bus, starbucks, the beach, tanning and sushi! It was honestly one of the best times I have had in awhile and I just love my friends! They make me feel so comfortable and that I can act like myself which makes things awesome. Yesterday was kind of a interetsing day! I don't really want to get into it because it half sucked and was half good! I hung out with my two bestfriends again but also sort of broke up with another friend? If that makes sense. I have been trying super hard to get tanned lately and it's starting to show a bit so its making me excited! Anyways, I am going to keep it short just because I don't really think you all really will want to read these type of things. OH one more thing yesterday I just went to the grocery store and got new hairspray (meh not that exciting) and dry shampoo so I plan to do a review on the dry shampoo soonish once I have had a chance to try it out a few times.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Motivational Monday Introduction
I am starting something called Motivational Monday! On Monday's I will be posting only posts to do with self esteem, confidence, inspiration and motivation. Sometimes the posts may just be a picture or other times it may be a post. Hope you guys like the idea, let me know what you all think, feedback is super helpful!
DIY: Eye Makeup Remover
Hey everyone! So I absoultly love eye makeup remover but I go through it so fast that it becomes sort of a lost cause. Recently I made my own (probably around a month ago) and I love it and it's only a fraction of the price of a bottle from the drugstore. Although the initial start up price might be a little more, you will be able to make several bottles from the supplies and some of the stuff you might just have lying around the house anyways! If any of you make it, or already have one that you have made in the past let me know in the comments.
What You Will Need
1. a small bottle or jar - you can get tons of different types at the dollar store for $1.25
2. baby oil- it doesn't have to be high quality, dollar store works fine.
3. water- from the tap!
4. toner- I already had one lying around from Olay that has witch hazel in it.
5. liquidy face cream- any type will work as long as it does not have a super thick consistency.
1. Take the bottle and wash it out making sure it is clean and prepared.
2. Fill the bottle about 5ml with water (don't over do it you can always add more water to get it to your own personal desired consistency)
3. Measure around 10ml of baby oil and then shake the bottle so the oil and water mix
4. Then add around 2.5ml of toner.
5. Add the desired amount of cream, it's meant to be used not only as a moisturiser but also as a thickener.
6. Shake it all up then add either more WATER, TONER or CREAM depending on if you want it more liquid or thicker but do not add any more baby oil.
-Depending on the size of your bottle only use my measurements as rough estimates.
-Everytime before you use it shake it! The oil and water will separate so by shaking it you are mixing it all back up together.
**picture of mine coming soon!
What You Will Need
1. a small bottle or jar - you can get tons of different types at the dollar store for $1.25
2. baby oil- it doesn't have to be high quality, dollar store works fine.
3. water- from the tap!
4. toner- I already had one lying around from Olay that has witch hazel in it.
5. liquidy face cream- any type will work as long as it does not have a super thick consistency.
1. Take the bottle and wash it out making sure it is clean and prepared.
2. Fill the bottle about 5ml with water (don't over do it you can always add more water to get it to your own personal desired consistency)
3. Measure around 10ml of baby oil and then shake the bottle so the oil and water mix
4. Then add around 2.5ml of toner.
5. Add the desired amount of cream, it's meant to be used not only as a moisturiser but also as a thickener.
6. Shake it all up then add either more WATER, TONER or CREAM depending on if you want it more liquid or thicker but do not add any more baby oil.
-Depending on the size of your bottle only use my measurements as rough estimates.
-Everytime before you use it shake it! The oil and water will separate so by shaking it you are mixing it all back up together.
**picture of mine coming soon!
Monday, 23 July 2012
Turquoise Jewellery Excitement!
So in the past couple of months there has been all sorts of turquoise jewellery coming out on the market! Personally I have always had a few turquoise pieces in my collection just because I love the colour but now it seems like the colour is everywhere which makes the variety a much larger selection. It adds a pop to anything you wear and can make an outfit go from boring plain black and white to a bright summer look with just a few turquoise accent pieces. Another great quality is that it seems to go well with all skin tones, so it makes it open to a wider market! I think this is a great pop of colour that also goes well with all the neutrals such as white, tan, brown and black. So you can wear any neutral coloured shirt and make it look more exciting. For girls who are more in high school like myself, I have been liking that places like Claires and Ardenes have been producing turquoise jewellery because for me personally the reality is I ALWAYS break my jewellery so I am not at that point yet in my life where I want to invest larger portions of money into jewellery. Anyway's I fully support this trend and feel like even once it becomes less popular the colour will never become "old school" or "hideous" so any pieces you do buy will be wearable in the future! I added several different pictures of turquoise jewellery I found online so check it all out!
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Hey everyone sorry for my absence the past couple of days. Starting Monday, my normal routine of one or more posts a day will be back! I have just been really busy these past couple of days and just haven't been able to fit in blogging but I am going to try and write up a few posts tonight and have them all ready for the week so I don't get behind again. Thanks everyone.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
What's Up Wednesday/Personal Life Update
Hey guy's so instead of having a whole different section being personal updates I figured this might just be easier to do a once a week personal update! So for the past week I have been under the beauty of grounding. Which I can say was super lonely and boring, although I tried to keep it under a more positive light by spending time thinking up projects and of course starting my blog. Today I went out (as my grounding was over) but of course the day I get off all my friends are busy so I went shopping with my mom which was uh interesting. MORE EXCITING NEWS THOUGH, I got all the supplies I need to make a galaxy print shirt and a crayon canvas art piece. For the galaxy shirt I got silver, black, blue and purple paint, sponges, a big black t-shirt, sponges and a paint brush! For the crayon art piece I got a canvas, hot glue and 48 crayons! I plan to do a post on each project, although I really want to do a video I just don't think I will be able to film myself doing it, if only I had 3 arms. The weather has been kind of poopy lately, which has been a downer but HOPEFULLY it starts to get a bit nicer out so I can work on my tan. I feel like my life is so boring right now that it's pointless to post on but I ensure next Wednesday I will have much more interesting stories to tell!
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
It's Raining Cats And Dogs!
First off I apologize for my post being so late today, I had a fairly busy day! Next, your probably thinking the typical zebra, cheetah, cow print right? Well I am actually referring to a new trend I have been noticing in the past few months that is "out of control". The quote "it's raining cats and dogs" brings this print to mind. Lately people have been wearing clothing articles (mainly shirts) that contain little cats and dogs all over them, now I am all for animal pride but something about this trend just turns me off. It was extremely difficult to find pictures of this but I managed to find a couple. I am hoping this is only a trend for the extreme fashionist because I just cannot see this becoming main stream in fashion. It seems as if the trend is coming over from Asia and is slowly but surely making an impression on Canadian and American fashion. Sorry it's a short post today! Tomorrow's will be much better! peace&love

Monday, 16 July 2012
I Need Your Help! - Saturday Suggestions
If you have read the blog schedule you will have seen we have a "Suggested Saturday" which is where my lovely followers and viewers can send in idea's of what they want to see me post about! It can be a post about anything! I feel like this really helps for us to be able to connect more and for me to know more of what you all want to see. So everyone please go ahead and either comment or email me suggestions for this Saturday's post! Thanks !
*all contact information is under tab "contact me"
email: OR
*all contact information is under tab "contact me"
email: OR
Review: Wet n' Wild Eye Shadows
So some may think it's unfair to group all of wet n' wilds eye shadows together do to the numerous amounts of different eye shadows they produce! At first I was going just to do one review on the single eyeshadows but then I felt that to me they really are fairly similar in quality and consistency so it would be okay to do a group review. I have tried out SEVERAL wet n' wild eye shadows so the review will be fairly general, but most eye shadow products all share the same pro's and con's.
Product Name: Various Wet N' Wild Eye Shadows
Price: $0.99-$6.99 CAD
Initial Impression: packaging is cheap, very pigmented
Pro's: affordable, pigmented, long lasting, big selection of colours, strong/don't break easily
Con's: some tend to be a bit chalky, cheap packaging
Overall Impression:I really do love Wet N' Wild Eye Shadows because I feel like the price makes it okay to get lots of different colours and not feel guilty about spending mass amounts of money on make-up. The selection of different types is HUGE, they have baked shadows, trio's, eye enhancing, singles and lots of other varieties. The variety of colours is unreal too, they have tons of different natural shades, but also lots of crazy more intense colours which is fun! Although some tend to be a bit chalky it is totally worth it when it comes to the actual pigmentation. The colour's always are super bright and true to colour. Which is rare to come by in cheaper drug store eye shadows. I would even say I like this brand of eye shadows more than Covergirl. Overall this is a great product and for someone starting out who is looking to grow there collection without breaking the bank I'd definitely suggest this brand!
Rating (out of 10): 8.5
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Blog Schedule July 16- July 22
July 16-July 22 Blog Schedule
So this is just a rough schedule of what I plan to do in the upcoming week. Obviously I might not stick to it 100% but I will try and do each of the topics listed no matter what! Hope you all enjoy!
Monday July 16: Review of wet n wild eye shadows.
Tuesday July 17: Animals print out of control?
Wednesday July 18: What's Up Wednesday! (Personal Life Update)
Thursday July 19: Turquoise trends in jewellery.
Friday July 20: Weekly products, likes and dislikes of the week!
Saturday July 21: SUGGESTED SATURDAYS! (this is the day where I will do reviews/projects that you guys have asked me to do)
Sunday July 22: no post.
So this is just a rough schedule of what I plan to do in the upcoming week. Obviously I might not stick to it 100% but I will try and do each of the topics listed no matter what! Hope you all enjoy!
Monday July 16: Review of wet n wild eye shadows.
Tuesday July 17: Animals print out of control?
Wednesday July 18: What's Up Wednesday! (Personal Life Update)
Thursday July 19: Turquoise trends in jewellery.
Friday July 20: Weekly products, likes and dislikes of the week!
Saturday July 21: SUGGESTED SATURDAYS! (this is the day where I will do reviews/projects that you guys have asked me to do)
Sunday July 22: no post.
Review: L'Oreal Voluminous Curved Brush Mascara
I am unbelievably happy to have gotten around to reviewing this mascara! It is probably the best mascara I have ever used, and I've been a faithful repurchaser of this product for five or six years! Obviously I have not only purchased this mascara or else I would be basis to the product, I have purchased MANY different types of mascara over the years and always find myself coming back to this one. It's like none of the others ever add up to the performance of this mascara! Overall I would definitely say go pick it up!
Product Name: L'Oreal Voluminous Curved Brush Mascara
Price: $6.00-$7.99 CAD
Initial Impression: wet formula, very lengthening, classy packaging
Pro's: curved brush, true to colour (black), wet, lengthens, fake eyelash look
Con's: the first couple of uses the product CAN make your eyelashes clumpy
Overall Impression: This is my favourite mascara of life. It makes my eyelashes go from zero to movie star in two seconds. Although the formula is a little wet and can be clumpy the first couple of uses those two little downfalls don't even come close to cancelling out the benefits! I find that the brush lifts and separates my lashes in a way that no other mascara ever has before, it has a normal to average length applicator (brush) but the applicator is very thick and holds a lot of product in it making it easier to apply, without having to put three coats on to get the same effect. I've noticed on YouTube the beauty community really raves about L'Oreal Carbon Black, which is the same product but a straight applicator so maybe I will try that out soon and do a comparison blog? This is definitely a make-up collection must!
Rating (out of 10): 832954289635829635 , well 10.
Saturday, 14 July 2012
I moustache you as question?
So although it isn't a super new fashion trend, I feel like I need to give some light to the moustache trend! Although it hasn't had a huge impact on the clothing community, it has become a very popular accessory and print/pattern for purses and bags. As well, many people have taken to the challenge of doing moustache nail art! I can honestly say though, I do not own ONE piece of moustache fashion. It's just not really my style I suppose. It seems like one of those fashion trends that will be in one second and out the next, so personally I did not see the reason to invest in a moustashy collection! Although in the near future, I sort of want to get a moustache ring due to my need to grow my ring collection. Here are some picture's of groovy moustache fashion/beauty!
Friday, 13 July 2012
Review: Revlon Colour Stay Foundation
Hey loves, so about two weeks ago I finally ran out of my Revlon Colour Stay Foundation for oily/combination skin in 110 ivory. Now as we all know, it is a cult favourite on Youtube and is said to be comparable to Makeup Forever's HD foundation. It comes in about 20 shades and is on the higher end of drug-store foundations. Just as a little back story on my skin, I have rosacea which causes rash like affects on my cheeks other than that I do not have problematic skin and do not deal with acne, it just can be a little oily at times.
Product Name: Revlon Colour Stay Makeup
Price: $14.99-18.00 CAD
Initial Impression: The colour selection is great, with different undertones! It goes on very thick but has a nice consistency and is easy to blend.
Pro's: SPF 6, many colour options, packaging, no breakouts
Con's: too thick, dried out, very full coverage, hard to blend once dried out
Overall Impression: Although I liked the product I don't think it really was for me. Originally it was easily blend-able but after a couple of uses it seemed like the product dried out a bit making it harder to work with. I also found that it oxidized a tiny bit on my face, but not to the point where it was super noticeable. The price of it makes it seem like I should be getting something super high end where the reality is the cheaper less thick foundations do the job just as good for me. It has really great coverage though and only one my most oily spots I had problems with it not sticking for 8 hours. Although it says "up to 24 hours", just for the record I did use a setting powder. Overall it's a great product and would be ideal for someone whose looking for a full coverage foundation!
Rating (out of 10): 7
What's In My Beach Bag Tag
On YouTube there has been a tag going on that is called "Whats In My Beach Bag" where you show what you pack in your beach,lake,ocean or even swimming pool bag! The reasoning behind these videos and blog posts is to share essentials with one another so everyone can have a enjoyable safe day! **I was going to add pictures, BUT I couldn't find the time :( sorry loves.
Here's my person list and a little explanation
Beach bag- it is by travelon and has a zipper it's a good quality and large to fit all my needs. A zipper is helpful because it keeps out things such as sand and bugs.
Water bottle- you have to stay hydrated!!! Reusable is the best choice environmentally but make sure you can bring more than one.
Sunscreen- you can get it in a ton of varieties so it works for everyone. My personal sunscreen that I bring to the beach is Hawaiian tropic Silk Hydration Lotion SPF 30, which also comes with a detachable mini sunscreen bottle which is handy for a day out where you don't need mass amounts.
SPF Lipbalm- as previously stated on a earlier post I am a big believer in chapsticks that have SPF after a burnt lips incident. My personal favourite right now is Nivea Sun Chapstick that has SPF 30 (*full review of product in blog). It's a great addition to any beach bag and is an area that is other wise forgotten about.
Sun-In - Now I wouldn't say this is an essential but for me right now it is so I thought I'd add it in. For those who don't know, Sun-In is a hair product that with the sun is used to lighten your hair. Eventually I plan to do a blog post on my hair journey so I'll explain more later why it's such an importance to me.
Tanning Oil- this product has SPF 4 in it and helps me to gain a tan. The product I have been using for over 2 years is Hawaiian tropic dry SPF 8 tanning oil. It's not a must but for me it is a big helper when it comes to get a goddess look heheh!
Here are a few extra things I bring that are fairly self explanatory;
-hair ties
-bobby pins
-extra shirt
-cell phone
-ipod with headphones
Now when I write it all out I seem like a mega over packer BUT when its all packed up it really is not that much. The other day when I was going out to the lake my dad made a comment on how "when he was a kid all they brought was a towel" and it really got me thinking on how product reliant I am! Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful day and if you have any other ideas, or items to add let me know. Peace&Love
Here's my person list and a little explanation
Beach bag- it is by travelon and has a zipper it's a good quality and large to fit all my needs. A zipper is helpful because it keeps out things such as sand and bugs.
Water bottle- you have to stay hydrated!!! Reusable is the best choice environmentally but make sure you can bring more than one.
Sunscreen- you can get it in a ton of varieties so it works for everyone. My personal sunscreen that I bring to the beach is Hawaiian tropic Silk Hydration Lotion SPF 30, which also comes with a detachable mini sunscreen bottle which is handy for a day out where you don't need mass amounts.
SPF Lipbalm- as previously stated on a earlier post I am a big believer in chapsticks that have SPF after a burnt lips incident. My personal favourite right now is Nivea Sun Chapstick that has SPF 30 (*full review of product in blog). It's a great addition to any beach bag and is an area that is other wise forgotten about.
Sun-In - Now I wouldn't say this is an essential but for me right now it is so I thought I'd add it in. For those who don't know, Sun-In is a hair product that with the sun is used to lighten your hair. Eventually I plan to do a blog post on my hair journey so I'll explain more later why it's such an importance to me.
Tanning Oil- this product has SPF 4 in it and helps me to gain a tan. The product I have been using for over 2 years is Hawaiian tropic dry SPF 8 tanning oil. It's not a must but for me it is a big helper when it comes to get a goddess look heheh!
Here are a few extra things I bring that are fairly self explanatory;
-hair ties
-bobby pins
-extra shirt
-cell phone
-ipod with headphones
Now when I write it all out I seem like a mega over packer BUT when its all packed up it really is not that much. The other day when I was going out to the lake my dad made a comment on how "when he was a kid all they brought was a towel" and it really got me thinking on how product reliant I am! Anyways I hope you all have a wonderful day and if you have any other ideas, or items to add let me know. Peace&Love
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Schedule Update
Hey everyone! I just thought I'd write a quick post just letting you guys know I plan to write out a weekly schedule of what topics/products I will be reviewing. Since it's my first week I won't be doing a schedule because as of right now it's somewhat spur of the moment and I haven't had time to create an idea plan yet. I'd love if you guys could let me know what products you'd like to see reviewed! Peace&Love
*ps. I have another one or two posts I will be posting tonight so stay tuned!
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Tie-Dye Making A Comeback?!
One of my favorite patterns of all time has got to be tie-dye. As summer has approached on the runways it seems to be making a big comeback! NO LONGER JUST FOR HIPPIES. Whether its the ombré affect or just old school tie-dye it seems to really being taking summer 2012 by storm! Recently with my friends we created our own tie-dye shirts with a kit from tulip (having some tech problems so the picture of my completed shirt will be up soon)The experience was fun and I really feel like the shirt I created really can bring a groovy vibe to whatever bottoms I pair it with. The great thing about tie-dye is that it can add a pop of colour to any outfit! I personally think my top looks super put together with white shorts and a brown belt with brown accents on flip flops or sandals. Anyways, I really suggest you go out and either create or buy a tie-dye shirt as they will soon become a stable in anyone's closet! Below I will also add some pictures of run way tie-dye outfits. Let me know if you'd like any tutorials or reviews on tie-dye products! Peace&Love
Review: Nivea Sun Chapstick
So as many of us know with the sun starting to shine brightly we need to be more concerned and aware of different ways to protect every part of our bodies from the harmful rays! One thing I never knew could happen was sunburnt lips. I decided after a painful lip burn in May to invest in a SPF chapstick! That is where I came across the product "Nivea Sun Lip Balm". The first thing that instantly drew me to it was the BRIGHT yellow/orange packaging. Read below for my complete review! Peace & Love
Product Name: Nivea Sun Chapstick
Price: $1.99-$3.49 CAD.
Initial Impression: Love the bright colour of the packaging, but the actual lip balm does not feel very moisturising, as well it leaves a white tint on lips.
Pro's: SPF 30, compact, waterproof, affordable
Con's: white residue, harder/less moisturising formula
Overall Impression: Personally I wouldn't use this product on a daily basis BUT in the summer I feel like it is a MUST! Although it doesn't make my lips super moisturised and leaves a bit of a tint it really does the job and keeps my lips unharmed by the sun which is extremely beneficial.
Rating (out of 10): 8
First Post/Introductions
Hello! So to begin with I thought I would give a little background information on myself! My name is Carly and I live in a small little town in British Columbia (which is in Canada). In September I start my final year of Highschool which is exciting! Now onto some introductory for the actual blog! I am a huge fan of YouTube and the beauty community on YouTube but personally I just don't feel confident enough on camera so I thought what's the next best option! That is where the blogging idea sprouted from! My goal is to offer a Blog where you can read honest reviews on beauty products and other various products. My other part I want to integrate in is overall beauty and fashion tips. With the fashion aspect I hope to share my own personal style and inspirations as well as the latest trending styles. Stay tuned for more posts and if you want a review on a product comment below!
**on all posts, unless stated the pictures are not mine so all rights to there original owners! i am not taking credit for their pictures.
**on all posts, unless stated the pictures are not mine so all rights to there original owners! i am not taking credit for their pictures.
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